Rooftop solar, electric cars could solve energy puzzle

8 May

Rooftop solar power could be Australia’s “secret weapon” in the transition to a clean energy system, a report has found, but state and federal governments need to change rules to get more out of the technology. The findings, released on Monday...[Read More]

‘Jam packed with love’: the story of the Anzac biscuit

24 April

Young digger Paul Teesdale Smith wrote to his girlfriend from Gallipoli, describing care packages filled with biscuits, peanuts, butterscotch, cigarettes and socks. “It’s wonderful how little things, no matter what they are, break the...[Read More]

Senators want property tax reforms back on the agenda

24 April

Tweaking property investor taxes could save the federal budget billions and boost home ownership, even with exemptions for those operating under the old rules, analysis commissioned by two senators suggests. Independent senators David Pocock and...[Read More]

Maximising space and value: Top 10 home renovation tips

18 April

Renovating your home to increase space and add value requires strategic planning, creativity, and a focus on key areas that potential buyers or valuers find appealing.    Here are the top 10 tips to guide you through this process:   Plan and...[Read More]

How to thrive despite higher inflation

18 April

The cost of living continues to rise, and many are feeling the pinch. However, there are ways to navigate and adapt to this challenging financial landscape.   If you’re looking for practical solutions and workarounds to help you tackle higher...[Read More]

Build-to-rent piece of housing puzzle but no quick fix

17 April

It’s been a tough couple of years to be a renter. As competition for properties has intensified and rents have surged, policymakers have been searching for solutions. While not an answer to the immediate price crunch, the build-to-rent housing...[Read More]

Call for home battery cash to support solar milestones

17 April

NSW has broken the record for the most annual rooftop solar installations of any Australia state, but Queensland is the first to surpass the one million mark. One in three households and businesses are installing the technology, according to a Clean...[Read More]

Record for batteries as home energy systems top 250,000

10 April

Australians won’t need a neighbourhood nuclear reactor or new hydro dam to generate and store energy, according to an annual battery market report. “You just need solar panels and a battery,” SunWiz managing director Warwick Johnston said on...[Read More]

Maximising Wealth in Real Estate: Strategic Tax Structures and the Power of Professional Advice

4 April

Building wealth through property investment has long been a cornerstone of financial success for many individuals. The allure of real estate lies not just in its tangible nature but also in the various strategies and structures available to optimise...[Read More]

Building Wealth Through Property Investment and the Role of Professional Advice

28 March

The allure of property investment as a vehicle for wealth building and lifestyle enhancement cannot be overstated.    With the right strategies and insights, individuals can unlock significant financial benefits, paving the way to financial...[Read More]

A 9-step guide to organising your space

28 March

Cleaning up and organising your living area may seem daunting.   However, by embracing these nine straightforward principles, you can cultivate an orderly and serene environment.   Seek Inspiration Find your muse in decluttering champions like...[Read More]

Super access won’t lower hurdles for young home hunters

27 March

Many young Australians living in the capital cities will not be able to pay for a house deposit, even if they drained their entire retirement savings, a report has found. Rates of home ownership are declining for young Australians as prices climb...[Read More]

Voters open-minded on investor tax break reform

20 March

Three in five Australian voters favour scaling back negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount, new polling suggests. One in five want investment property tax breaks to stay the same, according to the polling by independent consultancy...[Read More]

Energy bills to fall as regulator reveals draft offer

20 March

WHAT IS A DEFAULT OFFER? * The default market offer is a price cap on how much retailers can charge customers on their default energy plans * It is a reference price for market competitors, according to the energy regulator, and is what retailers...[Read More]

Work from home like a pro: tips for setting up your home office

14 March

The advent of digital technology has transformed the business landscape, ushering in a new era where working from home is no longer a rarity but a common occurrence. This shift has necessitated the need for entrepreneurs to create conducive...[Read More]